Human Skincare

I created a brand named ‘Human’ which breaks the boundaries of both gender stereotyping and body image within skincare branding. The brand name speaks for itself, targeting ‘humans’ as the consumers. The brands products are focused on a skincare range. One thing that everybody has in common is the skin on their bodies and the fact that we are all human, no matter what we look like or what gender we identify with.

Set by D&AD and Design Bridge
Create a new-to-world, accessible, mass-market beauty brand that breaks established category codes. Your brand should be a response to some of the issues with which modern, post-demographic consumers identify: gender stereotypes, healthy body image, environmental concerns, or any other issues you feel are relevant to users of beauty products today.
I created a brand named ‘Human’ which breaks the boundaries of both gender stereotyping and body image within skincare branding. The brand name speaks for itself, targeting ‘humans’ as the consumers. The brands products are focused on a skincare range. One thing that everybody has in common is the skin on their bodies and the fact that we are all human, no matter what we look like or what gender we identify with.
The skincare products contain minerals derived from the Dead Sea, which is known to be visited for treatment of the skin and for correct skin functioning. I decided upon a range of three products including a body wash; based on the Dead Sea’s water, a body lotion; based on the Dead Sea’s mud, and baths salts; based on the Dead Sea’s salt minerals.
I designed the products bottle in a shape that represents a human body figure, with the lid representing a head on top of a body.
The outer packaging that contains the human shaped bottle, uses reflective packaging materials, going against the use of an ideal body image and perception of beauty which is common in a lot of beauty brands. This promotes the concept that the consumer in the reflection of the packaging is ‘human’. 
The logo
I incorporated the concept of a human body through using the circle shape above the letters which acts as the head. I made sure that this part of the logo and the bottle shape looked similar. 
The white space on the bottlom half of the logo represents a wave, indicating the humans floating in the Dead Sea - something you can experience if you actually visit the Dead Sea itself due to the amount of salt in the water. 
Graphic elements
In order to visually communicate the fact that the skincare products are based on minerals from the Dead Sea, I created textures that have produced an effect that resembles these minerals. This is spread across both the top and bottom of the packaging. 
A different coloured wave that is incorporated into the logo wraps around the centre of the packaging, resembling the sea. 
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