Street Food Review App

Destination Street Food allows you to find food that’s 'right up your street’.

With street food being very much part of the city street landscape it’s about time there was an app for consumers to rate and comment on the best and worst that’s out there. Not forgetting ways for the street food vendors to showcase their products and talents. 
Create an app concept and minimum feature list that allows consumers and vendors to:
• Discover where the best vendors are based using geo-tagging tech features.
• To allow vendors to add their own menus and information i.e. opening times.
• To allow consumers to rate the quality of the food and service.
• To allow consumers to share photos of both the food and vendor.
Destination Street Food allows you to find food that’s 'right up your street’. 
Both ‘visitors’ and ‘vendors’ accounts can be created for the app. If you’re  a visitor, when you first enter the app you can immediately ‘find’ Street Food Vendors that are in your surrounding area. Under their name, a five-star rating is shown which depends upon the reviews they have received. You are then able to browse each vendors profiles, a gallery of their food and a menu. If the vendors food is 'right up your street' you can ‘find’ it’s location on a geo-tagged map. 
After the vendor has been visited and the Street food has been enjoyed, the visitor can leave a review of their experience by leaving a comment, uploading a photo and rating it out of five stars, which can be seen by future visitors browsing the vendors profile and helping aid their choice of vendor.   
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